
Discover all the paths designed to transform you into an authentic Musicus Practicus

Renaissance Path

1 - Hexachordal Solmization

The Reading Method with Hexachords

If you don't read music through the eyes of the Ancient Musician, you'll miss out on so many details!

Step into the shoes of an ancient musician, delve into their mindset, and learn to read Music with Hexachords!

Learn Solmisation and start to grasp the most refined details concealed within the melodies!

2 - Cantus Firmus

The Sacred Chant of the Catholic Church

Perfect and Imperfect Tones, Mixti and Commixti, Regular and Irregular

Cantus Firmus is the Gregorian Chant as it was conceived and performed in the Renaissance, but it is much more than that.

It is the study of melodies in the 8 Ecclesiastical Tones, and it is the foundation upon which ancient musicians learned to create chants that were coherent and appropriate to the Tone.

Learn Cantus Firmus, and discover everything about Perfect, Imperfect, Authentic, Plagal, Mixed, Commixed, and Irregular Tones!

3 - Cantus Figuratus

The White Mensutal Notation of the Renaissance

In the Renaissance, Transcriptions did not exist!

Ancient musicians read Mensural Notation, also known as Cantus Figuratus or Cantus Mensurabilis, a type of notation that uses the Mensura, the property of certain notes to be Perfect or Imperfect.

To authentically perform Renaissance music, we must know the rules governing this system and also be able to read from the original scores!

Learn how to read Mensural Notation directly from the ancient sources yourself!

4 - Tones and Modes

The Modal System of the Renaissance Counterpoint

Coming Soon

5 - 2 Part Counterpoint

2 Part Counterpoint

6 - Advanced Counteproint

Advanced Counterpoint

Baroque Path

1 - Hexachordal Solmization

The Reading Method with Hexachords

If you don't read music through the eyes of the Ancient Musician, you'll miss out on so many details!

Step into the shoes of an ancient musician, delve into their mindset, and learn to read Music with Hexachords!

Learn Solmisation and start to grasp the most refined details concealed within the melodies!

2 - Hexachordal Solfeggio

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

3 - Composition and Partimento

The Partimento Method Banner

The Partimento Method

Composing music is a game of combinations!

If you don't know which ingredients to combine and how to combine them, you'll never write music!

Instead, you'll just create a mishmash of random notes!

Master the language of music, discover how to make your compositions more engaging, and have fun creating your own!

With The Partimento Method, you learn to compose, analyze, and improvise the music you love the most!

4 - Suite and Dances

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

5 - Chorales and Variations

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Learn the Art of the Fugue - 1

Learn Fugue with Handel Banner

Learn Fugue with Handel

In a Fugue, there are too many difficulties to handle all at once!

Tackling them all together means getting lost!

Learn to combine subjects and countersubjects, learn how to create an Exposition and a Counterexposition, learn to apply augmentation to your fugues!

A course entirely based on the exercises Handel wrote for Princess Anne, where you will learn all this and much more!

Learn the Art of the Fugue - 2

Learn Fugue with Bach Banner

Learn Fugue with Bach

In every fugue, each subject is unique!

If you don't know how to handle the different characteristics, you risk creating mere scribbles.

Learn to manage unique melodies, learn how to write answers that harmonize well with your subjects, and develop your musical creativity!

Compose your five-voice fugues with the exercises that Bach has prepared for you in the Leipzig manuscript "Precepts and Principles".

The True Musicus Practicus is always looking for new Secrets, Tricks and Techniques!

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